Sustainable Land Development


The smallholder coffee farmers of Tanna are delighted to maintain the current lush eco-system that prevails throughout the island. The farmers' objective is to further develop their coffee industry (primarily catering to increased international demands), and future expansion will definitely be of a sustainable nature. This will ensure that the currently broad bio-diversity on Tanna remains untouched.

Wet Coffee Processing

Coffee Process

The hand-picked cherries are processed at 45 de-centralised pulperies strategically located in the production areas of Tanna. The cherries are pulped, naturally fermented, washed, screened and sun-dried prior to transportation to the Dry Processing Factory.


Dry Process

Following delivery of dried coffee from the farmers, the 'parchment' coffee is carefully stored ready for an order. A modern 'fully mechanised' dry processing plant, hulls the parchment to remove the dry skins, grades the 'green beans' according to size, and then 'bags' the beans into 60kg sacks, ready for shipping to Port Vila roasting factory.


Roast and Package

The sacks of 'green beans' are shipped to Port Vila and transported to storage facilities at the Roasting Factory. The coffee beans are then carefully roasted to optimal perfection (gently releasing their oils and wonderful aromatics), under the watchful eye of the master roaster. The art of roasting is a critical science combining raw beans, moisture content, controlled temperatures and aroma. With critical time differences as little as 30 seconds (between our dark and medium roasts), each step is vital in the overall pursuit of producing the 'perfect roast'. Using foil coffee pouches with unique one-way valves for packaging, we guarantee that our coffee will be as fresh as when it was roasted