Coffee Seedling 1

To continue to enhance the production, value-addition and subsequently the livelihoods of our Tanna Coffee farmers, a brand new Coffee Development Program will be launched at the end of 2016.

This commercial development will initially see the re-habilitation of formerly planted out individual 1Ha plots spread throughout the TCDC plantation. More than 200Ha of coffee (approx 400,000 trees) will be planted along with inter-cropping of Fruit, Vegetables, Kava and Sandalwood. Within 3-4 years, estimated production levels will look to reach 400 tonne per year, whilst providing up to 200 additional job opportunities all year around, and up to 300 additional jobs during the 4 month harvest season annually.

The original aims and objectives of the Company have not changed since its inception, which is to provide a sustainable and vibrant Agricultural Industry that will assist in developing Vanuatu towards total self sufficiency.

This program will be the biggest development to date, and with farmers and families still reeling from the effects of TC PAM, the future looks bright for the first time in a long time.


Roasting Factory

Currently, all coffee is sold in roasted and packaged form through TCDC’s finished product facility, which is located in Port Vila, with 60% being distributed locally and the balance being exported overseas. The Roasting Factory has been developed further to cater to demands from the tourism sector, to provide tourists with an insightful view into ‘The secrets of the humble bean’.

The Factory is Free Of Charge and open to the public Monday to Saturday (and on SHIP DAYS). Our friendly guide will offer a full explanation of the coffee operation from the tree to the cup, with opportunities to taste and purchase some of the finest and freshest ‘Arabica Coffee’ in the World.